Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Power of Personal Vision

Having a vision of what you want is one of the most powerful ways to make it happen. Once you have a clear picture in your head, several things begin to happen that naturally propel you toward your goal.

1. You Think About it a Lot: You think about it several times a day because you want it and it’s easy to think about. Your clear picture pops into your head as you are driving, waiting in line, or eating lunch. As you think, you get new ideas about how you could make your vision a reality.

2. You Perceive Possibilities: Have you ever noticed that when you think of a certain model of car you begin to see it all over the freeway? This is the process of selective perception – a natural filtering process in your brain that allows in the information that is most relevant to you and keeps out the rest. By thinking about your goal, you have made anything related to it relevant, and now you are noticing information that can help you make your vision come true.

3. You Verbalize it: Since your vision is clear and on your mind, it’s easier for you to communicate it to your friends and associates. Talking about it is a huge step toward making it happen. When you share your dream with others, their brains also get into the filtering process, and they send additional relevant information and interesting opportunities your way.

4. You Get Excited About it: Attaching real, positive emotion to your vision gives it the most power of all. Physicists have shown that your emotions emit magnetic vibrations which actually attract people, objects, and events. As you spend time feeling excited and positive about your vision, you will notice things change in your life, almost magically, that make it possible for you to move forward toward your goal.

5. You Take More Actions: The positive emotions related to your vision channel right into your motivation. Actions that previously seemed to be a waste of time suddenly become worth the effort! It’s more fun to get out there and it becomes a game. This motivation overrides most of your internal resistance, and enables you to overcome fears that may have been holding you back.

6. You Clarify and Deepen your Vision: As a result of all the new information you have and the actions you’ve taken, you now have an even clearer idea about “how” your vision could happen. Maybe before you were just thinking of a big house. Now the house is more defined, and you can picture what the rooms look like. Maybe you even have some ideas about the neighborhood.

7. Go Back to Step One: So now you think about your more detailed vision, and the cycle continues and gains momentum.

It’s important to note that we are talking about naturally inspired action here, not forced or fear-based action. To unleash the power of your personal vision, the only real effort you need to make is getting the picture in your head in the first place, and then being excited enough about it to keep it there. This is like starting the engine, which naturally fuels the rest of the cycle. Something to have fun with!

Copyright 2005 - 2007 Nahid Casazza and Aspyrre

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